Ionic Air Freshener

The Usefulness of Ionic Air Freshener

Ionic Air Freshener“Necessity is the mother of invention” – this quote is always true especially in the advent of modern technology. However, some inventions might pose health hazards that could cause be fatal. One of the newest inventions is the Ionic Air Freshener. Though they are new, Ionic Air Fresheners sell very well in the market. As estimated of 400 million units are sold in a year. Amazingly, an ionic air purifier which has an ionic air freshener can be used your car and among its features include the following.

  1. It has a built–in seat cutter and emergency window breaker
  2. It can be plugged into any 12V electricity source like in the cigarette lighter socket
  3. It is a low maintenance air cleaner
  4. It is extremely compact and quiet

However, an Ionic air freshener have brands that are found to be dangerous to your health. Among them were the air fresheners like Ionic Breeze Quadra and Brookstone Pure Ion. Researchers have revealed the bitter truth. These air fresheners may eliminate dust particles, smoke and pollen. Yet, they emit a dangerous chemical known as ozone. As an ozone air purifier, when it emits ozone at higher levels and this gas is inhaled, it can cause lung problems and other allergies. Check here

What to Consider When Buying an Ionic Air Freshener?

In buying an Ionic air freshener, consumers must first take into consideration the following.

  1. Is an ionic air freshener worth buying
  2. Does it really work or just an advertisement hoax
  3. Was it subjected to intensive research before it was launched in the market
  4. Is there a warranty

After you have answered these critical questions then your Ionic air freshener is really worth buying. Lastly, the manufacturers and consumers of the said product should work hand in hand to make the Ionic air fresher be popular again.

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