Hepa Air

HEPA Air Cleaning Devices: Air Pollution Czar

guardian-technologies-ac5000eHEPA does not pertain to any brand name of any product but it simply refers to a technology being utilized by manufacturers of cleaning devices. It stands for High-Efficiency Particulate Arrestor which is a kind of technology that is present in air purifiers, air cleaners, and vacuums. HEPA air is effective in eliminating bacteria, viruses, and other dangerous air particles in your outdoor or indoor environment. HEPA air filters can filter out even the tiniest air particulate with 0.3 microns in measurement. The average rating of an effective HEPA air-cleaning device is 99.97%.

With this high efficiency rating, it is advised for those people who are suffering from respiratory problems to use a HEPA air purifier. The primary functions of cleaners that are HEPA air operated are the following. These cleaners equipped with HEPA air are designed to purify the air by filtering the toxic particles through its HEPA air filter. The HEPA air filters make sure that there are no more harmful contaminants that can penetrate your respiratory system.

Guardian Technologies AC5000E 3-in-1 True HEPA Air Purifier System with UV Sanitizer and Odor Reduction, 28-Inch Tower

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as of December 22, 2024 6:52 pm


  • True HEPA Filter captures 99.97% of dust and allergens as small as .3 microns such as household dust, pet dander, mold spores and plant pollens.
  • Charcoal filter reduces common odors from pets, smoking and cooking.
  • UV-C light technology works with Titanium Dioxide to eliminate airborne bacteria, viruses, germs and mold spores.
  • 28 inch 3 speed tower is best used for medium to large rooms and CADR rated 125+
  • IMPORTANT: Use GENUINE Guardian Technologies replacement parts to maintain product performance and warranty. Only one single filter needs to be replaced every 6-8 months depending on the use of the product; Replacement filter is filter C - Model FLT5000 (ASIN B003AKIGFS) . To lengthen the life of your filter, a 4 pack of the carbon filters is also available - Model FLT28CB4 (ASIN B017ANUUTA). Voltage: 120V 60Hz

It is recommended that the cleaning devices with HEPA air mechanism is best suited for pregnant women, small children, and other people who are prone to allergies so to speak. The reason for this is simple. These people are too sensitive to certain harmful air pollutants. Therefore, an air purifier with HEPA air technology must be placed in an area where harmful air particulates proliferate.

Always remember that when you put a HEPA air in a specific location, that area where the air purifier is put will be the only place that will be totally cleaned from harmful air contaminants. It is because HEPA air cleaning devices are range dependent. On the contrary, some true HEPA air purifiers contain a substance called as Zeolite, and other activated blends that perfectly absorb chemicals or gases that are released in our homes or offices. However, those true HEPA air purifiers that possess a low range of HEPA technology are merely covered with carbon dust, resulting to a short span of the HEPA air cleaning apparatus.

The HEPA air technology in air purifiers are highly recommended to people that are so sensitive to air pollution contaminants. Moreover, cleaning appliances that have a high HEPA air rating can effectively purify the air thats in your environment.

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