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Healthmate for Healthier Air at Home

Healthmate air purifier is your perfect mate for all of your home air problems. Oftentimes, even when you don’t notice, the condition of the air inside your home can be deteriorating. Indoor air pollution is a serious problem that needs to be addressed immediately. Failure to address this issue can present health problems that can be serious or worse, fatal. Do not expose yourself and your family to these health risks and use Healthmate as your primary shield against these allergens and pollutants.

HealthmateDeterioration of indoor air quality can be due to allergen sources such as molds that spread mold spores, pets that disperse animal dander, everyone in the house that sheds dead skin cells, and plants that spread pollens during pollination season. Since there is nothing you can do to eliminate most of this sources, the best solution is to put a device that will eliminate these allergens and other pollutants in the air. Healthmate air purifier has been proven to remove a wide range of allergens and other harmful pollutants in the air. It has also been known to remove biological and chemical pollutants in the air. Furthermore, it can also remove unwanted odor.

Healthmate Air Purifier’s 360° Progressive Filtering System

Healthmate air purifier takes pride of its 360° Progressive Filtering System. This breakthrough technology is able to address all types of air pollutants from microscopic particulates, harmful gases, deadly chemicals, and irritating odors. This technology takes in air in 360°, which means all around, and it filters this air using a four-stage purification process.

This four-stage process ensures that air is very clean and contaminant-free when it escapes the Healthmate air purifier. Here are the four stages of air filtration.

1. Large particle pre-filter

2. Medium particle pre-filter

3. 25-lbs of activated carbon filtration

4. 60-ft of medical grade true HEPA filter

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